Help A Family Project & Fund image
Link to the: “Help A Family Project & Fund: Materials and Tools List”.

“The List” is also available at Parker Building Supply- call Mrs. Lori at 760-367-0583 to make your cash or gift card donation or to purchase any of the items on "The List.

As we prepare a timeline of completing this project by Wednesday, Dec. 23, 5 PM, we would appreciate your backs and hands- a little bit of building know-how is appreciated, but your willingness to participate is enough energy for us to get this done! We will be starting Phase I on this Thursday, Dec. 17, 9 AM to 3 PM. Specifically, we will be rebuilding the porch and prepping the interior, for the installation of flooring over the weekend. If you would like to volunteer in rebuilding the porch, Text: Porch Volunteer- Name- Skill/Specialty to (760) 553-3617.

I will call you, asking: How can you be best utilized to complete the project- do you have a skill or specialty that you would like to contribute to re-building the porch, flooring or some other part of the trailer’s interior (plumbing, drywall, electrical, painting)? What time do you anticipate arriving and how long are you able to volunteer? What tools, if any, are you able to arrive with?

We will host an “Open-to-the-Community Help A Family Project Meeting” on this Thursday, December, 17th at 7 PM via FB Live, or ZOOM (whichever one is FREE and can host a few people- a technical volunteer to coordinate the meeting is welcomed to contact me). Hosted by Quander & Son Project Coordinator, Tim Moran, we will share and discuss the interior flooring aspect of the project, and a timeline, requesting volunteers for this Saturday, December 19th as well as next Monday and Tuesday, December 21st and 22nd.

 If you would like to participate in the Meeting, submit your email at the top of the site, or send an email to:, with “Community Project Meeting Link Request” in the subject line. We will reply with alink and instructions to join the meeting.

Again, thank you all for your support, prayers and well wishes- working together, we will get it done and provide a local family with an incredible gift for the holidays!

Mr. Q